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© Joseph Naccarato 2016


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Linking microbiome and stress hormone responses in wild tropical treefrogs across continuous and fragmented forests

Abstract The amphibian skin microbiome is an important component of anti-pathogen defense, but the impact of environmental change on the link between microbiome composition and host stress remains unclear. In this study, we used radiotelemetry and host translocation to track microbiome composition and function, pathogen infection, and host stress over…

Whole-lake acoustic telemetry to evaluate survival of stocked juvenile fish

Abstract Estimates of juvenile survival are critical for informing population dynamics and the ecology of fish, yet these demographic parameters are difficult to measure. Here, we demonstrate that advances in animal tracking technology provide opportunities to evaluate survival of juvenile tagged fish. We implemented a whole-lake telemetry array in conjunction…

Positioning aquatic animals with acoustic transmitters

Abstract Geolocating aquatic animals with acoustic tags has been ongoing for decades, relying on the detection of acoustic signals at multiple receivers with known positions to calculate a 2D or 3D position, and ultimately recreate the path of an aquatic animal from detections at fixed stations. This method of underwater…

Prespawn Mortality of Spring Chinook Salmon in Three Willamette River Populations

Abstract Impassable dams on major tributaries to the Willamette River, Oregon, have restricted access to historical spawning habitat for returning adult Chinook Salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha. To restore these populations, some fish are collected and  transported in trucks upstream of dams (i.e., adult trap-and-haul operations). However, persistently high prespawn mortality (PSM)…

Garrone Neto et al. (2021) A small home range increases the vulnerability to fisheries of the ocellate river stingray, Potamotrygon motoro, in a biodiversity hotspot of the Neotropical region

Abstract In this study a telemetry-based approach was used to examine the movements and the habitat utilization of Potamotrygon motoro, a widespread species of potamotrygonid stingray of South America. The investigation included 13 individuals that were tagged with acoustic transmitters and manually monitored from March to September 2017 in the…

Can Energy Depletion of Wild Atlantic Salmon Kelts Negotiating Hydropower Facilities Lead to Reduced Survival?

Abstract Repeat spawners constitute an important component of Atlantic salmon populations, but survival of post-spawning individuals (kelts) are often compromised by anthropogenic structures such as hydropower plants (HPPs). Potential effects of HPPs include migration delays and associated increased energy depletion, which potentially results in increased overall mortality. We combined a…

Biotelemetry reveals migratory behaviour of large catfish in the Xingu River, Eastern Amazon

Abstract We used a combination of radio and acoustic telemetry to assess the movements of large catfish (Pimelodidae) in the Xingu River, a clearwater tributary of the Amazon River in Brazil. A total of 121 Phractocephalus hemioliopterus and 61 Pseudoplatystoma punctifer were tagged for monitoring within a 685 km segment, including…

Characterization of Pallid Sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus) Spawning Habitat in the Lower Missouri River

Abstract Acipenseriformes (sturgeons and paddlefish) globally have declined throughout their range due to river fragmentation, habitat loss, overfishing, and degradation of water quality. In North America, pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus) populations have experienced poor to no recruitment, or substantial levels of hybridization with the closely related shovelnose sturgeon (S. platorynchus).…

Tissue toxicants and prespawn mortality in Willamette River Chinook salmon

Abstract In some Pacific salmon Oncorhynchus spp. populations, many adults die after reaching freshwater spawning sites but prior to spawning, a phenomenon known as prespawn mortality (PSM). Causal factors for PSM are often uncertain, but pathogens, warm water temperature, and environmental toxicants have been implicated in several studies. In this…