• Terrestrial

PinnaclePro Series

  • Product Type Icon Collar

GPS and radio collar, with Iridium transfer of GPS data with the option of SOLAR panels to assist functional life

These collars collect GPS signals at a users’ specified rate, feature a VHF beacon and are capable of transmitting GPS positions to your computer or mobile screen via Iridium to Lotek’s Webservice interface.
An additional method of remote communication can be included via radio frequency transmission in the field.
Additional features include VHF beacons for tracking, as well as mortality alerts right to your email or phone. Other feature alerts can also be sent directly to you, such as a Virtual fence crossing event.
Operating life can vary depending on application and study needs and objectives. Please contact one of our Telemetry Specialists to discuss your study needs.


  • Proximity detection and/or transmission, near or far
  • Mortality indication with increase in VHF pulse rate, and satellite transmission of events
  • Remote GPS data download via Iridium
  • Two way communication through the Iridium network allowing remote schedule changes
  • Remote data download (2 way communication) via radio frequency, using a hand held Commander unit in the field
  • Flexible scheduling of GPS + VHF + RF communication, and quantity of GPS data transmitted, for extended operating life
  • Sensor data logging: on board temperature and 3 axis accelerometer activity, in raw, averaged or ODBA formats
  • Virtual Fencing
  • Deploy multiple collars on the same frequency and distinguish between them by means of embedded collar IDs in the beacon signals, coded VHF
  • SWIFT fixes for many more locations (not compatible with Geofencing feature)
  • Product Application Examples

    Home range analysis, Survival, Reintroductions, Inter and Intra species interactions, Disease transmission, Habitat use and movement behaviour, efficient Eradication planning and management

  • Links and Resources

    PHOTOS: ‘We gotta see this,’ spectators say as desert bighorn sheep move into Franklin Mountains


    A Triumph for Pronghorn Antelope



  • Product Specifications

    Model PinnaclePro S PinnaclePro M PinnaclePro L
    Weight [1] (g) ~380 – ~410 ~400 – ~430 ~630 – ~670
    Fix type Standard [2] SWIFT [3] Standard [2] SWIFT [3] Standard [2] SWIFT [3]
    1 year life 14 18 72 48 180 72
    2 years life 4 8 12 18 26 28
    3 years life 2 4 6 12 16 18
    4 years life 2 3 4 8 7 13
    5 years life 1 2 3 4 4 10

    1. Weights vary significantly depending on belt type and size, antenna option, solar assist & TRD.
    2. VHF beacon is set to operate for 7 hours a week at the average. The collar transmits through Iridium after collecting 18 positions in record.
    3. VHF beacon is set to operate for 7 hours a week at the average. The collar transmits through Iridium after collecting 9 positions.

    Note: Under favourable conditions and for fix schedules every 1 hour or less frequent, Solar Assist can significantly extend battery life. A solar model exposed to direct sunlight for 8 hours per day can have its battery life extended by 50%. Varying environmental conditions will affect the solar assist performance.

    Features and specifications subject to change without notice.

    Technical specifications:
    Frequency range: 148MHz to 174MHz
    Operating temperature: -30˚C – +50˚C
    Standard adjustment: 30mm
    Collar circumference (mm):
    PinnaclePro S and M: 220-295, 260-350, 300-400, 340-460.
    PinnaclePro L: 300-400, 340-460, 390-530, 450-610, 520-700, 600-810, 680-920, 770-1050, 920-1240, 1070-1450.
    Collar width based on circumference (mm):
    40mm: 220-295, 260-350, 300-400, 340-460, 390-530, 450-610
    50mm: 520-700, 600-810, 680-920, 770-1050, 920-1240, 1070-1450.
    Timed Release Drop-Off: (55g). Optional TRD on S and M models OR built in, integrated drop off on L models.

  • Product Downloads

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