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© Joseph Naccarato 2016


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Open Protocols, the new standard for acoustic tracking: results from interoperability and performance tests in European waters

Abstract Background The lack of compatibility between acoustic telemetry equipment from different manufacturers has been a major obstacle to consolidating large collaborative tracking networks. Undisclosed encrypted signal coding protocols limit the use of acoustic telemetry to study animal movements over large spatial scales, reduce competition between manufacturers, and stifle innovation.…

Novel Microsatellite Tags Hold Promise for Illuminating the Lost Years in Four Sea Turtle Species

Abstract After hatching, sea turtles leave the nest and disperse into the ocean. Many years later, they return to their natal coastlines. The period between their leaving and their returning to natal areas, known as the “Lost Years”, is poorly understood. Satellite tracking studies aimed at studying the “Lost Years”…

Satellite tagging confirms long distance movement and fast dispersal of Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) in the Southwest Atlantic

Introduction: To better understand Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) movement and habitat in the Southwest Atlantic, fifty popup satellite archival tags (PSATs) were deployed off Davis Bank on North Scotia Ridge between 2019 and 2020 on individuals ranging from 97-139 cm total length. Methods: PSATs (18 Lotek Wireless PSATFLEX and 32…

Partial migration in Magellanic penguins

Abstract We studied the migration of Magellanic penguins near the southern tip of the breeding distribution, and for the first time found evidence of partial migration for this species within the same colony. Forty-three percent of the penguins studied stayed within ~290 km of the colony (residents), while others went…

Linking microbiome and stress hormone responses in wild tropical treefrogs across continuous and fragmented forests

Abstract The amphibian skin microbiome is an important component of anti-pathogen defense, but the impact of environmental change on the link between microbiome composition and host stress remains unclear. In this study, we used radiotelemetry and host translocation to track microbiome composition and function, pathogen infection, and host stress over…

Hot stops: timing, pathways, and habitat selection of migrating eastern whip-poor-wills

Abstract Although miniaturized data loggers allow new insights into avian migration, incomplete knowledge of basic patterns persists, especially for nightjars. Using GPS data loggers, this study examined migration ecology of the eastern whip-poor-will Antrostomus vociferus, across three migration strategies: flyover, short-stay, and long-stay. We documented migration movements, conducted hotspot analyses,…

Shortfalls in tracking data available to inform North American migratory bird conservation

Abstract Animal tracking has become an effective way to identify where and when migratory species encounter threats throughout their annual cycle. Yet, untracked or poorly tracked species and undiscoverable or inaccessible data for the species that have been tracked mean that gaps in the knowledge of where and when species…

Whole-lake acoustic telemetry to evaluate survival of stocked juvenile fish

Abstract Estimates of juvenile survival are critical for informing population dynamics and the ecology of fish, yet these demographic parameters are difficult to measure. Here, we demonstrate that advances in animal tracking technology provide opportunities to evaluate survival of juvenile tagged fish. We implemented a whole-lake telemetry array in conjunction…